Lets talk fadez. I talk a lot about this topic because I love a good fade, I just do. It’s one of the reasons I started making jeans in the first place. The raw Indigo Classics are my first style and give the best fade of any other jeans hands down, but you should try for yourself.
How to make a good fade:
Wear the shit out of your jeans. That’s it. How to make the best fades? Keep reading.
You can make great fades with all kinds of jeans but I recommend a raw, heavy weight denim, (ahem like the raw Indigo Classics, made with a 14.5 oz. raw denim).
Wear them everyday. The more you wear your raw denim jeans the better they’ll look and feel.
Do not wash your jeans. There are a lot of reasons why I don’t wash my jeans often. However, regarding fades, the indigo leaves your jeans uniformly when you launder them, when you don’t wash them, the indigo rubs away at the creases. The longer you go without washing them the more intense the fades.
Raw Indigo Classics
There are quicker ways to make fades in your jeans. Denim nerds may call this cheating but honestly fuck them. Some people use sandpaper at the creases. You can always wash your jeans (I usually just use the washing machine on cold) then soak them in an oxy clean solution for at least 6 hours. Wash them again then lay them flat to dry. This method works well if you have been wearing your jeans for at least 2 months without washing so that you develop pretty deep creases. Remember your raw denim shrinks when you wash them so make sure you have read about washing raw denim
The Anatomy of a Fade:
Whiskers - fades at the fly just above your leg and through your hips.
Whisker Fadez
Honeycombs - the wear behind your knees. The design looks like a honeycomb
Honeycomb Fadez JK! ButI usually don’t get these fadez in my jeans bc of how they fit…
Stack Fades - fades at the bottom of the legs, just above the leg hole where jeans can tend to crease and wrinkle.
Stack Fadez
Since the denim world has been traditionally gatekeepen (is that even a word?) by white cis men, the language that has developed around fades has been very specific to how said men have worn jeans. But, since humans including but not limited to, non binary folks, women and femme identifying folks, trans folks, humans all along the gender spectrum, fat folks, people of every race and body type all around the world and all through the universe have been wearing jeans too - different fades may and do happen. What are these fades? Do you all have a particular fade that you have noticed that I haven’t mentioned? Write it in the comments below!
I HAVE DISCOVERED A NEW FADE!!!! I wear me jeans goddamn tight and I have noticed there is a particular crease fade that happens where the butt meets the leg. I have named these the fadez down under, the Oz fadez.
Oz Fadez
Cue the delicious Aussie accents!!!!